Health & PE

Competitive Sports


Students undertaking this unit will - • engage in a range of team and individual based sports such as Soccer, Basketball and Badminton • work collaboratively on their skill performance, and their ability to understand sports from beyond the perspective of a player, coach, umpire and organiser. • learn anatomy, biomechanics and how to enhance performance.

Future Pathways

VCE Physical Education

Outdoor Education


This unit is designed to extend students’ knowledge of canoeing, bushwalking, navigation and other outdoor pursuits whilst understanding the importance of planning and preparation for extended outdoor activities. Students will explore the concepts of risk management, working in teams, co-operating and working with others to reach a common goal. Please note that expeditions and day trips are compulsory for this subject.

Future Pathways

VCE Outdoor Environmental Studies

Health And Personal Fitness


Students undertaking this unit will • engage in training programs both inside and outside the gym • work on improving a range of fitness components including speed, power and flexibility • learn about how fitness contributes to overall health and wellbeing • understand the basics of human physiology, the importance of warm ups and how to prevent injuries • create fitness programs and measure fitness.

Future Pathways

VCE Health and Human Development
VCE Physical Education

Health, Recreation And Leisure


Students undertaking this unit will learn how recreation and leisure contribute to the overall health of individuals and communities in Australia and overseas. This class will usually consist of one practical session where students will engage in a range of different activities and three session of theory where students look at behaviour towards physical activity, sedentary behaviour and the benefits to physical activity.

Future Pathways

VCE Health and Human Development
VCE Physical Education