VCAL Course Information
The Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) - a senior program that allows students to complete practical work-related experience as well as literacy and numeracy skills and the opportunity to building personal skills that are important for life and work.
The course at Bairnsdale Secondary College will involve students completing Literacy, Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills which are assessed through integrated projects. Numeracy is delivered at VCAL Numeracy, VCE General Maths or VCE Further Maths level, dependent on individual students’ level of ability.
Students will be given a choice of project at the time of application. Our current options are Art/technology, Community or Kitchen/Garden.
It is essential that you are enrolled in a VET subject if you are completing the VCAL.
If you are interested in studying via the VCAL pathway please download and complete an application form and we will be in touch to arrange an interview.