The study of Japanese contributes to student personal development in a range of areas including communication
skills, intercultural understanding, cognitive development, literacy and general knowledge. Learning and using
an additional language encourages students to examine the influences on their perspectives and society, and
to consider issues important for effective personal, social and international communication.
Future Pathways
International Law
International Aid
Year 11
Unit 1 is designed to extend students’ knowledge and
skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing
Japanese. Students are required to establish and
maintain a spoken or written exchange related to
personal areas of experience, listen to, read and obtain
information from written or spoken texts, and produce
a personal response to a text focusing on real or
imaginary experience.
Unit 2 is designed to extend students’ knowledge and
skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing
Japanese. Students are required to participate in a
spoken or written exchange related to making
arrangements and completing transactions, listen to,
read and extract and use information and ideas from
spoken and written texts, and give expression to real or
imaginary experience in written or spoken forms.
Year 12
Unit 3 is designed to extend students’ knowledge and
skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Japanese.
Students are required to express ideas through the
production of original texts, analyse and use information
from spoken texts and exchange information, opinions
and experiences.
Unit 4 is designed to extend students’ knowledge and
skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing Japanese.
Students are required to analyse and use information
from written texts and respond critically to spoken and
written texts that reflect aspects of the language and
culture of LOTE speaking communities.